Picture editing in MS Word document
Created on 2011-05-04 by Sona Gabrielyan
Reference: 2009-11-10 by Manvendra Singh
Add a picture in MS Word document
First take a picture which is you wish to use in your document.
Windows, pressing key will
capture the entire screen, while pressing the Alt key in combination with print
screen (
) will capture the currently active window.
(a) The captured image can then be pasted into an editing program such as for example Paint. To do so, go to START -> ALL PROGRAMS -> ACCESSORIES -> PAINT and then press Ctrl+v. Now can edit or cut your picture using paint tools. When finished, save the image as *.PNG.
(b) You can also past the picture directly into the MS Word document (open a document and press Ctrl+v).
For adding a picture in MS Word document, you can (a) simply Drag and Drop the .png, .jpg or .gif file into the document; (b) choose from Menu bar Insert -> Picture -> From File… and chose the file (image) which you would like to include in the document; or (c) simply past it from the memory (Ctrl+v) if you captured a screen before.
An example of a prinscreen of a Desktop pasted in a new MS Word document is shown on a picture below:
Figure 1. A new MS Word document with an image captioned by a printscreen button
If you need to add some drawing or edit the image which you included in the MS Word document, the image’s Layout must be in “In front of text” mode. To do so, double click on your picture, you will get “Format Picture” window on your screen. Choose “In front of text”.
Now you can edit the picture with elements of the Drawing toolbar. To open the Drawing toolbar, from menu choose View -> Toolbar -> Drawing
Note that it is better to do your drawing within a Drawing Canvas as in that case all the elements of your drawing will be grouped together. It is important to group the elements together especially if you are going to save your MS Word document as .html and publish it on the web. To activate the Drawing Canvas, go to Tools->Options->General and then select “Automatically Turn On The Drawing Canvas When Inserting Autoshapes”.
On the image below we moved the picture’s Layout in “In front of text” mode, then inserted it in a Drawing Canvas. To create a new canvas, click for example on an Oval icon on the Drawing toolbar, the canvas will be created automatically. Now draw the oval in the canvas:
Figure 2. Drawing canvas
Resize the canvas to bring it to a size to include the picture that you are going to move into it. If canvas is smaller than the picture, it will not take the picture inside (will not resize automatically). Now move your picture into the canvas. Delete the oval.
Figure 3. Drawings within a drawing canvas
(1) Open a new MS Word document. Type the current date and your name. Make a prinscreen of the window including that MS Word document as shown on the Figure 4 below:
Figure 4. First MS Word document showing the current date and your name
(2) Open second MS Word document, add the prinscreen of the first document into the second document.
Figure 5. Second document containing prinscreen of the first document
(3) Make a prinscreen of the second document.
(4) Open a third document, name it in format yymmdd-lname-edit-image.doc, where yymmdd is the current date and lname is your lastname. Your rapport must contain a title, author name, date. See an example below:
Pay attention on using styles (keep the Styles and Formatting panel opened while working with MS Word document). Add in your rapport the prinscreen of the second document (see Figure 5). Make some changes on the prinscreen, add some drawings like those shown on Figure 3.
Upload the rapport on the training session web site, according to the guidelines.
How to create document http://parinternet.ch/people/elen-virabyan/090920-howto-publish-doc-web/
Microsoft Word Drawings http://switzernet.com/3/support/110218-word-drawing-training/
Create an image for use in a mailing or on the web http://switzernet.com/3/public/110328-promotion-icon/
Training sessions: http://www.unappel.ch/2/support/100722-training-employees/i/
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