Moment generating function of a discrete distribution

Emin Gabrielyan / Aram Gabrielyan



Moment generating function of a discrete distribution. 1

The task. 1

Moment generating function of a uniform distribution. 1

Moment generating function of a degenerate distribution. 2

Moment generating function of a discrete distribution with two possible values. 3

The moment generating function of a distribution with multiple discrete values. 3

The discrete distribution behind the moment generating function of this task. 4

The answer 4



The task


For a random variable X







Moment generating function of a uniform distribution


Let us compute the moment generating function of a uniform distribution


By definition of the uniform probability density function:



By definition of the moment generating function:



By derivative chain rule:







Moment generating function of a degenerate distribution


Let us compute the moment generating function of a degenerate distribution, a discrete distribution with only one possible value.



The moment generating function is the extreme case of a uniform distribution:







Moment generating function of a discrete distribution with two possible values


A discrete distribution with two possible values can be represented as follows






The moment generating function of the random variable with two possible values is:




The moment generating function of a distribution with multiple discrete values



Similarly to the moment generating function with two values, for a discrete distribution with N possible values:






The moment generating function is written as follows:




The discrete distribution behind the moment generating function of this task


The moment generating function of the task is shown below:



Let us open the parenthesis:



As 1+8+24+32+16=81


Then the condition of the sum of probabilities is respected:



Therefore we are dealing with a random variable distribution over the 5 discrete values:


4, 3, 2, 1, and 0


With the following probabilities:


1/81, 8/81, 24/81, 32/81, and 16/81


The answer


The probability, that:



Is equal to 24/81 + 32/81 + 16/81 = 72/81 = 8/9


The answer is 8/9





The moment generating function of a uniform distribution [xls]



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