everybody, If you would like to test the VOIP quality of
Switzernet we provide here 5 SIP accounts, each with a
real Swiss phone number (for incoming calls)
021-550-9800, 021-550-9801, 021-550-9802, 021-550-9803,
021-550-9804. The credit limit of each account is of
about 5 CHF. In these test accounts, the calls to free
destinations (CH, DE, FR, US, UK, etc) are exceptionally
charged (thus malicious users will not be able to make
unlimited calls to free destinations through these test
accounts). For the best quality use G711 (U-Law or A-Law
= PCMU or PCMA) codec if you have enough bandwidth. Here
are the 5 accounts: SIP User = 41215509800, Pass = 9481;
SIP User = 41215509801, Pass = 9532; SIP User =
41215509802, Pass = 8468; SIP User = 41215509803, Pass =
3330; SIP User = 41215509804, Pass = 9830. If you take
one of the accounts, please post, so someone else will
take the next account and will not use the same account.
When you test it, please post your comments regarding
the quality. Here is the configuration for BudgeTone-100
(X-Lite free soft phone) is configured similarly. SIP
Server=""; Outbound Proxy=""; SIP User
ID=412155098** (use one of the accounts above);
Authenticate ID=""; Authenticate Password=**** (use the
above listed password of the account); codec choice
1=PCMU; choice 2=PCMU; choice 3=PCMU; choice 4=PCMU;
choice 5=PCMA; choice 6=PCMA; choice 7=PCMA; choice
8=PCMA; Voice Frames per TX=1. Thanks for your feedback.
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