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Message du forum Télécom :
Switzernet: Lynksys 3201 or Handytone386

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Concerne Switzernet

Pseudo : sake22
Date : mercredi 27 juin 2007
Hi I saw the publicity of on the They offer actually 50.- discount on their equpment (untill 30 june). I am not sure if I take HandyTone386 or LinksysSPA3201. Is there anyone who checked that adapters? Seems that Linksys makes also router. I need to keep my swisscom line anyway; this adapters work also with Swisscom line - exactly what I need. But which one to take? Any opinion? Sake22
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Pseudo : sake22
Date : jeudi 28 juin 2007
Linksys has 1 Voip line + 1 classical + router, Handytone386 has 2 Voip lines + 1 classical and that's all. I am taking Linksys. P.S. nobody speaks English here?
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Pseudo : teladmin (Gestionnaire)
Date : jeudi 28 juin 2007
Hello Thank you for your forum contribution. Unfortunately we do not have any information on the different VoIP adapters. Maybe someone else can help you further. Kind regards Ralf Beyeler
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Pseudo : egab
Date : vendredi 29 juin 2007
Take linksys, the voice quality is slightly better
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Pseudo : egab
Date : vendredi 6 juillet 2007
Do you know that starting from June 2007 offers free calls also to France (in addition to DE, CH, US, UK, ...)? started providing 022 numbers (from July 2007). An entirely configured SIP phone is shipped to the client. Who only needs to plug the SIP phone to internet for making and receiving calls.
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Pseudo : sake22
Date : lundi 9 juillet 2007
Thanks, egab. I got my linksys last week. Really happy with this solution - easy to install.
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Pseudo : Redan
Date : mardi 17 juillet 2007
which linksys did you get sake22 ?
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Pseudo : sake22
Date : samedi 21 juillet 2007
spa3102, you can see the description on the 'products' page (they put 3201 instead of 3102) ;-)
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Pseudo : switzernet
Date : mercredi 11 juillet 2007
Hello everybody, If you would like to test the VOIP quality of Switzernet we provide here 5 SIP accounts, each with a real Swiss phone number (for incoming calls) 021-550-9800, 021-550-9801, 021-550-9802, 021-550-9803, 021-550-9804. The credit limit of each account is of about 5 CHF. In these test accounts, the calls to free destinations (CH, DE, FR, US, UK, etc) are exceptionally charged (thus malicious users will not be able to make unlimited calls to free destinations through these test accounts). For the best quality use G711 (U-Law or A-Law = PCMU or PCMA) codec if you have enough bandwidth. Here are the 5 accounts: SIP User = 41215509800, Pass = 9481; SIP User = 41215509801, Pass = 9532; SIP User = 41215509802, Pass = 8468; SIP User = 41215509803, Pass = 3330; SIP User = 41215509804, Pass = 9830. If you take one of the accounts, please post, so someone else will take the next account and will not use the same account. When you test it, please post your comments regarding the quality. Here is the configuration for BudgeTone-100 (X-Lite free soft phone) is configured similarly. SIP Server=""; Outbound Proxy=""; SIP User ID=412155098** (use one of the accounts above); Authenticate ID=""; Authenticate Password=**** (use the above listed password of the account); codec choice 1=PCMU; choice 2=PCMU; choice 3=PCMU; choice 4=PCMU; choice 5=PCMA; choice 6=PCMA; choice 7=PCMA; choice 8=PCMA; Voice Frames per TX=1. Thanks for your feedback.
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Pseudo : switzernet
Date : mercredi 19 septembre 2007
The phone numbers 021-550-9800, 021-550-9803, and 021-550-9804 were blocked due to expiration of a credit limit. They are now unblocked and can be used again. To avoid conflicts, please post a message when you are taking a phone number for testing. Thanks.
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Pseudo : switzernet
Date : mardi 18 septembre 2007
We would like to inform that until September 30 Switzernet offers a free shipment (instead of 9.50 Fr). During this period Switzernet pays 42 Fr for each new referred customer (you can refer your own new accounts). We only need your Switzernet phone number or your name noted on the new contract (or a discount coupon). If it is not made you can always inform us by e-mail to There are no limits on the number of referred customers. At any time, the amount credited to your Switzernet account can be transferred to your bank account. More info:
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Pseudo : switzernet
Date : mercredi 26 septembre 2007
Additional special offer: all referred customers will receive a discount of 50 Fr. The offer expires on September 30. More info:
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