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Content Tagged switzerland

121Time.com - Configure your personalized Swiss watch with OpenLaszlo

121Time.com is one of those OpenLaszlo applications, which really surprise us. It’s a Swiss online watch shop with a fancy personalized watch configuration tool. All components are branded, integrating well with the corporate identity of 121time.com. You don’t only find the normal product categories, watches can be selected by collection, style, theme and from scratch. Well, building a watch from scratch is what you really should try.

121time - Create your own time!

121Time.com supports switching the application language at runtime, offering English, French and German. The complete process of selecting or configuring a watch, check out and payment is handled from out of the OpenLaszlo application. You can save your design in a watch safe, and there’s a lot more to discover, just try for yourself.

The really surprising thing is that 121Time.com built this OpenLaszlo application without telling us about it. The way I discovered the application was a simple Google search for the file ending .lzx.swf. Please, if you use OpenLaszlo for your rich Internet application, intranet application, application running on mobile or embedded devices (iPhone, TV set-top-box, etc.) get back to us and tell us about the application! There’s a good chance that the application will be added to the OpenLaszlo Live Applications showcase on the LaszloSystems.com site.

OpenLaszlo: OpenLaszlo Project Blog

High Density

"a show about technology and politics. It's got a focus on simple explanations for interesting innovations, and is hosted by Ramon Cahenzli and Shane Coughlan"

open-source: del.icio.us tag/open-source

Computerworld: Soll Office Open XML ein ISO Standard werden?

The answer is no, but just compare the photos of the two interviewees.

XML: del.icio.us/tag/xml

OpenExpo: Über die OpenExpo

"Das Ziel der OpenExpo ist die Förderung von Open Source Software im Unternehmensumfeld. Die Messeveranstaltung wird von der /ch/open organisiert und findet in Zusammenarbeit mit der topsoft statt."

opensource: del.icio.us tag/opensource


"Solution Provider for Rich Internet Applications"

Ajax: del.icio.us/tag/ajax

Swiss consumers facing tax on digital audio players

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It looks like Switzerland is going down a road other countries have traveled before, with a Federal Court now confirming a tax on digital audio players and other devices that had originally been slated to go into effect in March of 2006. That date ended up being pushed back after complaints from various groups, some of whom deemed the tax to be too high while others thought it was too low, according to SwissInfo. The court apparently found the tax to be just right though, and it's now set to go into effect next month, tacking anywhere from $25 to $75 onto the price of various audio devices, including flash and hard drive-based digital music players, as well as other hard drive-based audio/video recorders. Seems like our gadget-happy Swiss friends just can't catch a break these days.

[Thanks, Jonathan D]

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Office Depot Featured Gadget: Xbox 360 Platinum System Packs the power to bring games to life!

User:stinkyworld: Engadget feeds

Swiss consumers facing tax on digital audio players

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It looks like Switzerland is going down a road other countries have traveled before, with a Federal Court now confirming a tax on digital audio players and other devices that had originally been slated to go into effect in March of 2006. That date ended up being pushed back after complaints from various groups, some of whom deemed the tax to be too high while others thought it was too low, according to SwissInfo. The court apparently found the tax to be just right though, and it's now set to go into effect next month, tacking anywhere from $25 to $75 onto the price of various audio devices, including flash and hard drive-based digital music players, as well as other hard drive-based audio/video recorders. Seems like our gadget-happy Swiss friends just can't catch a break these days.

[Thanks, Jonathan D]

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Office Depot Featured Gadget: Xbox 360 Platinum System Packs the power to bring games to life!

User:anushshetty: engadget

Stéphane Micheloud: Home

Research assistant @ lausanne university

scala: del.icio.us/tag/scala

OpenExpo: Aktuell

son of LOTS. it is frustrating how many years of shindigs are necessary to drive these things home. i would have lost patience long ago..

opensource: del.icio.us tag/opensource

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