A date increment function for fixing the bug of the vendor CDR web page of the billing interface


Download the C program [c], [txt] (129 KB).


Compile the program:


You can run the program providing the date and the increment as arguments. If you enter erroneous values, corresponding error message will be displayed:


Examples of normal execution are below:


The date increment C function can be compiled with and directly used from another program:

int dayinc(int y1, char m1, char d1, int *y2, char *m2, char *d2, int inc)


  int i;


    if(days[i].y==y1 && days[i].m==m1 && days[i].d==d1)



    return 1;

  if(!(i+inc>=0 && i+inc<elements))

    return 2;




  return 0;



The dates are not computed analytically. A wide continuous range of days is statically stored in the C program. The range is generated in an excel file [xls].


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