$ #create an array of tags and show all samples of the stamp $ cat a21.txt | perl -e '@a=<>; $"=""; $_="@a"; s/[\r\n]//g; @a=split/>/; foreach $_ (@a){if(/\n/; print;}}' $ #retrieve the attributes $ cat a21.txt | perl -e '@a=<>; $"=""; $_="@a"; s/[\r\n]//g; s/ ([a-z]+)=/ [$1]=/g; @a=split/\]/; foreach $_ (@a){if(/\[/) {s/^.*\[//; s/$/\n/; print;}}' | sort | uniq from on to what why $ #retrieve the stamps $ cat a21.txt | perl -e '@a=<>; $"=""; $_="@a"; s/[\r\n]//g; @a=split/>/; foreach $_ (@a){if(/<[a-z]/) {/^.*<([a-z]+)/; $_=$1."\n"; print; }}' | sort | uniq abuse class contract found identity learn limit lost remark return ship supply tariff undue until