FRS for each referred customer 5 - 31
August, 200
![Rounded Rectangle: lnscription](index_files/image004.png)
From 5 to 31 August 2008,
Switzernet triples the amount paid to its customers for referring new
customers. Switzernet will pay 63.- Frs instead of 21.- Frs for every referred
customer. This offer expires on 31 August 2008 (at 23:59).
- You need to
have a Switzernet account
- In order to
start referencing you can even temporarily become a Switzernet customer
only for referencing purposes (you can cancel your contract within 15 days
without any engagement; this deadline can be extended upon request)
- Your customers
needs only to note your Switzernet phone number on the contract he/she is
- If the
customer is subscribing via web he/she must write your Switzernet phone
number in the field "Recommended by"
- If customer
does not remember your phone number, he/she can write your name or your
e-mail instead of your Switzernet phone number and we will find you
- Flyers for
new subscription are also available in shops like Mediamarkt, Darty or
Steg computer (each Switzernet’s device sold in that shops contains a
flyer in the box, so that customer that you recommended, can just wrote
your number on the flyer)
- You can also
order some additional flyers writing to support@switzernet.com (Subject ‘Contrats
- You can use
your own personalized web link for subscribing your customers, it may look
as follows: http://switzernet.com/public/070608-subscribe/?ref=021-550-0309
- With such a
link your phone number will be already filled in the appropriate field (do
not forget to change the sample phone number 021-500-0309 in the URL example
with your real Switzernet phone number)
- If customer
forgets to indicate the reference information on the contract or while
subscribing via web, you can always inform us about the new customer by
sending us an e-mail to support@switzernet.com;
subject of your mail: ‘Parrainage’
- If such a
customer is subscribed, you will receive the referencing credit to your
- There are no
limit on the number of referred customers, all references will be credited
to your Switzernet account
- There are no
restrictions on the types of customers: you can refer yourself (e.g. for your
second and third phone numbers) or members of your family
- You can
cancel your contract within the test period and collect the amount for
referred customers (however the referred customer must pass the initial test
period of 15 days for being counted in your credit)
- All payments
are first added to your Switzernet account. If the amount is too large and
you cannot or you do not wish to use the amount for your personal
communications, the amount will be transferred to your bank account
- Additional
information about referencing is available here http://www.switzernet.com/public/070717-info-for-clients/parrainage/
- Information
about offer of 5 – 31 August (version française): http://www.switzernet.com/public/080803-parrainage-63frs-31aug/
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