PSE, Bātiment A, EPFL
1015 Lausanne
Freelance project: RADIUS protocol integration
in Asterisk
Asterisk is the most widely used open-source Private Branch
Exchange (PBX) software. The goal of this project is to integrate Asterisk as a
server in our existing VoIP infrastructure, through Remote Authentication Dial
In User Service (RADIUS), which manages user authentication and call
Main steps of the project:
- Analyze the internal RADIUS implementation of Asterisk
- Can Asterisk manage RADIUS authentication/accounting ?
- If not, analyze existing external developed RADIUS
- Report the results
- Setup of a test platform (test servers and SIP phones will
be provided by Switzernet):
- RADIUS server (e.g. FreeRADIUS) storing user
authentication information, internally or through an external database
- Asterisk server, which authenticates calls through RADIUS
- Two SIP clients (phones) registered on the Asterisk
server for experiments
- Report the results
- Integration with our existing infrastructure (requirements
will depend on the results of previous steps):
- Integrate the installed Asterisk server and modules
(external or self-developed) with our billing system
- Replicate Asterisk database of SIP registrations in our
centralized database (MySQL)
- Manage the routing priorities sent by our billing
(RADIUS) in Asterisk
- Optional: study the additional features of Asterisk:
Voicemail, IVRs, etc.
- Testing phase
Required skills:
- Independent and organized person
- Good Linux/UNIX knowledge
- Basic knowledge of script languages (Perl)
- Basic networking knowledge
- Notions of VoIP (SIP protocol) a plus
- Notions of SQL a plus
- Functional test setup (step 2): 500 CHF
- Achieved integration with our billing infrastructure (step
3): 3000 CHF
Note: To be successful, every step must be
documented. The published documents must be clear, self-containing (include all
commands, configuration, developed code, etc.). All experiments must be
described for verification and easily reproducible. If no result is achieved in
step 1, but the produced documentation is good enough, setp 1 is also rewarded
100 CHF.
Asterisk PBX
External RADIUS module for Asterisk (1)
External RADIUS module for Asterisk (2)
Interested? Please sent your application together with CV to
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