Generation of a Word reminders/invoices template
Switzernet – Christian L.
(updated 2008-09-24)
Generation of a Word reminders/invoices template
General notes on MS Word formulas
Setting and displaying a field
Showing all fields contents at once
Structure of the reminders template
Field codes, formulas and parameters of the document
Retrieving the date from the Excel file
Yesterday (last day of previous month)
Building the output document layout
Intro, settlement, wire and precredit
Contents of the main output page (first page)
This document describes the creation of a word template [doc] that will be used to generate invoices and reminder letters. We present a generic template, which adapts its output to the input data. For this purpose, we will use Word functionalities of merging input data from a source Excel file to import data into our template, and code field formulas (fields) to calculate variables making a dynamic document structure.
The following table presents downloadable PDF samples of all combinations of letters we wish to generate. Each reminder level (from 1st to 4th reminder) must have different text, reminder fee, etc. The printed letter must also change depending on whether the customer’s phone account is active or blocked. There is no active/blocked distinction for reminder level 4 and regular paper invoice. We have 8 letter templates:
Reminder level |
Line is blocked |
No |
Yes |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
0 (invoice) |
The final Word template and sample Excel input data are available for download. Next sections of this document will show how the template is constructed to fit the input data. If we look at the field codes of the first page of the final document, we observe that most parts of the text appearing in the samples are not present directly but are constructed elsewhere using formulas:
This section provides general indications on the usage of MS Word “fields” (insertion, formatting, edition, etc.). Field codes are active text areas within the Word document, in which formulas can be entered. Such fields are delimited by brackets ({ field content }), and are highlighted in grey when selected.
To insert a field code, use the Ctrl-F9 short key combination. It inserts special curved brackets, inside which you can simply type the formula:
Fields can also be inserted via the Insert -> Field toolbox, which shows the list of available fields. The formulas presented in this document can be entered using any of these ways. For instance, adding a { = } field:
Freshly inserted formula gives the following result. The error appears because the formula is for now empty:
To display the inner code of the field instead of its value, select the field, right click on it and choose Toggle Field Codes. Below is a toggled code of an empty formula (the \* MERGEFORMAT parameter is not a part of the active formula and will be described in section Formulas formatting):
Once the field is “toggled”, you can edit the text between the brackets to enter your formulas.
More details on formulas usage are presented here: and here:
Here we show the primary usage we will make of the fields: setting, displaying and using variables. The set statement defines a variable that can later be displayed or used in the rest of the document. This variable can contain any component of a standard Word document (number, formatted text, table, etc.). If the variable is a number, we can perform arithmetic operations on it, as shown in the following example:
After updating the field values, we obtain the following result:
You can toggle between field values and formulas (select the field or Ctrl-A) by choosing Toggle Field Codes in right-click pop-up menu. Fields become hidden again when copy-pasting a formula or updating records. We can add View Field Codes button in the Word menu toolbar permitting to toggle all fields in the document at once, and keep them toggled even when copy-pasting. Right click on a toolbar and choose Customize, then go to Commands and View. The button to add is View Field Codes:
Drag and drop it in the Word menu toolbar. Pressing the button will toggle all field codes in the document at once. The same effect is obtained with the Alt-F9 short key combination.
Bookmarks are references to a place within the Word document. When using formulas, each SET statement defines a bookmark corresponding to the variable name.
By default, bookmarks are not visible when editing a document, but the list of defined bookmarks can be obtained with Insert -> Bookmark. For instance, we see that our variable x has an assigned bookmark somewhere in the document:
Bookmarks can also be marked in the text, which allows seeing their position. To obtain this, enable the following option in the Tools -> Options -> View toolbox:
If we return to our previous example, we now see the position of the bookmark corresponding to the x variable, marked with the symbol:
Table of variables presents all variables in the document with their corresponding bookmark.
The syntax of the IF statement is particular. The syntax and result changes depending on the context in which the statement is used:
When displaying a field that was declared with a SET statement, we can choose whether to use the format defined at variable declaration, or the format which is set when the variable is displayed. This behavior is controlled by the MERGEFORMAT parameter which can be set for any field.
The following example shows the effect of the MERGEFORMAT output specifier. We set two variables: a, declared with format bold+red, and b, declared with format bold+blue. For variable a, we add the \* MERGEFORMAT output specifier, and variable b is displayed without specifier:
As result, formatting of variable a is lost when the variable is displayed with the specifier. Even if it is declared as bold+red in the SET statement, the value of the variable is shown according to the formatting of the place where it is inserted (here, normal formatting). On the contrary, variable b is displayed with the same formatting as it was declared (bold+blue):
The MERGEFORMAT parameter can also be set by checking Preserve formatting during updates in the Insert -> Field toolbox. This box is checked by default:
We often need to display float values rounded to two digits. This is done by specifying the number format of the variable in the display field code. For example, we declare a variable x and display it with and without formatting options (we use “\# 0.00” specifier, for 2 digits rounding):
After updating the field codes, the output looks as follows:
Remark: The amount that will be printed on the payment slip is already rounded in the source Excel file, according to increments of 0.05 CHF and is supplied as text where the decimal dot is replaced by space (for printing on payment slip).
In Word, all dates are internally stored in US format (mm/dd/yyyy). At display time, the date output format can be specified with the \@ <format> parameter. The example shows the date field that prints the current date in four different formats:
The following output is obtained:
Our Word template will be structured as follows:
Grouping the fields outside the main document allows easier separation and editing. It also minimizes the risk of deleting a formula by mistake when editing the first page, and allows adding visible comments for accompanying the formulas. We additionally mark the beginning of lines containing formulas with a blue arrow (→) to make sure they will not be deleted by mistake.
Sections of formulas of the Word template correspond to the main sections of this document. In each section a green table shows the result of the formulas for preview. This allows entering and checking all formulas before starting the formatting and generating the final texts of the first page. After it will be finished, our template will look like:
Of course, only the first page of the document will be printed. We start entering the formulas on page two, leaving the first page blank for now.
We start by checking our input data. Input is provided by an Excel file [xls] containing all required customer information (address, invoices, payments, reminder level, etc.) that will be read from Word during merging. The setup for merging Word and Excel documents is presented here: The provided sample Excel file contains 9 records representing 5 fictive customers, one being at each reminder level and having the line once active (records 1 to 4: [p1] [p2] [p3] [p4]), once blocked (records 6 to 9: [p6] [p7] [p8] [p9]). Record 5 ([p5]) represents a customer receiving a normal paper invoice. The sample letters of section Introduction are generated using this Excel file.
The following table shows all input fields (Excel columns) that will be used in our template:
Merge Field Name |
Description |
company |
Company name of the customer |
firstname |
Firstname of the customer |
lastname |
Lastname of the customer |
address1 |
Address of the customer (first line) |
address2 |
Address of the customer (second line) |
zip |
ZIP code of the customer |
city |
City of the customer |
sip |
Customer phone number (02x-550-xxxx) |
balanceold0m |
Balance of the last invoice |
balanceold1m |
Balance of the 1 month old invoice |
balanceold2m |
Balance of the 2 months old invoice |
balanceold3m |
Balance of the 3 months old invoice |
balanceold4m |
Balance of the 4 months old invoice |
paidold1m |
Payments received for the 1 month old invoice |
paidold2m |
Payments received for the 2 month old invoice |
paidold3m |
Payments received for the 3 month old invoice |
paidold4m |
Payments received for the 4 month old invoice |
reminder |
Reminder level (1 to 4) |
blocked |
Indicates if the customer phone line is blocked (Y/N) |
send |
Indicates if the reminder must be sent or not |
bvchf |
Due amount of the last invoice, preformatted for printing on the payment slip |
date |
Date when the reminders input Excel was generated |
subscriptions |
Customer’s subscription fees of the last month (paper invoice only) |
calls |
Customer’s call charges of the last month (paper invoice only) |
manual_charges |
Customer’s manual charges of the last month (paper invoice only) |
Often the input values are simply displayed using merge fields. Merge fields are references to the records of the source Excel file, each field being named from the column’s first cell. Merge fields are field codes like the others. Their syntax is { MERGEFIELD field_name }. Merge fields can be directly inserted in the Word document with the Insert Merge Field button. For example, to print the address of the customer in the address table, we will insert the following merge fields:
This results in the following display once data is merged from the input Excel file:
Remark: The MERGEFIELD keyword can be omitted. Merge fields are treated almost as other variables, but they can be also highlighted via the View Merged Data button. Removing the MERGEFIELD keyword can cause the variable not to be correctly displayed on document opening, but only after formulas have been updated once.
The date value read from the Excel file will not be displayed directly. It will be decomposed as presented in section Retrieving the date from the Excel file and then used for further calculations.
For control, we start by adding a table that displays all input data. As described in General structure, we start on page 2 of the template. Once the document is merged with the source Excel file, the following result appears in the control table (for the 1st record of the sample Excel file [xls], the date in the Excel file is the 15th of September):
This section presents the formulas that will be used in our template. We enter all formulas step by step. The values are validated at the end of each step. The final page of the document is constructed only when all formulas are entered. All the variables that will be defined in this document are presented in Table of variables.
Some customers are excluded from the reminders or from postal sending. This concerns customers having a wrong postal address, or having paid their invoice late but in full (a reminder would be issued from the invoices data, but is annihilated by a subsequent payment). For these customers the column send does not contain the value send. Processing of record of such customers is skipped in the Word template with the following SKIPIF statement:
Remark: Records are skipped only at printing time. They will appear when using Previous/Next Record buttons.
In this section, we present the formulas generating all dates and periods.
The following formulas read the date column from the Excel file and decompose it into three separate components: year, month and day. Word uses the US format (MM/DD/YYYY) to store dates internally, so we use the same in our source Excel file.
First we store the merge field value in a new variable today. The date is then split into three new variables year, month and day through formatting options (Word directly recognizes the date retrieved from Excel):
These three values will be reused for printing and further date calculations.
From the split input date, we create new date values required in different parts of the document (texts, payments table, etc.). These dates will be the current month minus 0 to 4 months, to reflect the payment history of the customer. The derived date values will be calculated in Word using arithmetic functions.
The following dates are generated:
issueold0m |
issue date (1st of the month) of the last invoice |
issueold1m |
issue date (1st of the month) of the 1 month old invoice |
issueold2m |
issue date (1st of the month) of the 2 months old invoice |
issueold3m |
issue date (1st of the month) of the 3 months old invoice |
issueold4m |
issue date (1st of the month) of the 4 months old invoice |
dueold0m |
due date (25th of the month) of the last invoice |
dueold1m |
due date (25th of the month) of the 1 month old invoice |
The date values of the above table are computed as follows:
Below are the field codes and formulas for setting the date variables of the above table:
The reminder ID is a unique identifier for every generated reminder. It has the form YYMM01-XXX-XXX-XXXX-N, where YYMM01 is the first day of the month the reminders are generated, XXX-XXX-XXXX is the customer’s phone number, and N is the reminder level (1 to 4). We use the already computed issueold0m date. We only have to display it with format YYMMDD. The values are concatenated within a QUOTE to form the reminder ID. It is stored in the reminderid variable. We also store the reminder merge field value into a new reminder variable:
We need the date of the last invoice that was paid in full, (reminder+1) months ago, as it is the first day of the current billing period. It is calculated and stored in variable lastpaid, similarly as shown in section Displayed dates :
For the billing period, we will need the last day of the previous month. As Word does not offer date operations directly, calculation is done using arithmetic operations:
The value is stored as MM/DD/YYYY in the variable yesterday.
Remarks: (formulas used in this document) (older version) [mirror] (older version) (older version)
This is the billing period concerned by the reminder. It corresponds to the period from the issue date of the last invoice paid in full to the day before the last issued invoice. The billing period is formatted as, where: |
issue date of the last fully paid invoice (variable lastpaid) |
last day of the previous month (variable yesterday) |
The billing period is then the concatenation of lastpaid and yesterday, stored in the period variable:
After all the formulas of this section have been entered, the following result appears in the control table (for the 1st record of the sample Excel file [xls]):
As described in section Introduction, we have two different logics to build the output document, depending on the letter type. Reminders and paper invoices will use specific text portions. Other text portions are the same for both letter types. Formatting is also the same for both types. The following table shows which text portions are used to build each type of letter:
The text portions will be described in the next sections of this document. In the above table, each portion points to the section where the corresponding field code is defined.
Rules describe the conditions of each reminder level (reminder fees, modifications of service, etc.). They are stored as text in the rulesX variable (X=1…5). Rules 1-4 are the conditions of each reminder level. Rule 5 describes what happens if the invoice is not paid after the 4th reminder, and appears only at the 4th reminder level. For rules 1-4, the text of the same rule appears in two different cases. Rule n appears as a warning when the customer reaches the n-1 reminder level, and also as a notification when he reaches the n reminder level. The wording of the rule is the same in both cases. The text of the rule changes depending whether the line of the customer is active or not. The line status is read from the blocked merge field.
After all the formulas of this subsection have been entered, the following result appears in the control table (rules are the same for all records of the sample Excel file [xls]):
The structure of the four reminder texts is stored in the textX variable (X=1…4). Each level text has the same form:
The rules of each reminder level being the reminder fees, modifications of service, etc. (see Reminder rules):
This text contains the reference numbers of the invoice or reminder.
For the paper invoice:
For the reminders:
After all the formulas of this section have been entered, the following result appears in the control table of this section (for the 1st and 5th records of the sample Excel file [xls]):
This text appears in the letterhead of the main output document (see Text body).
Four remaining texts are declared in variables intro, settlement, wire and precredit. The first is an introduction on why a reminder has been issued, the second gives explanations on the payments table (displayed for all reminder levels). The third contains our payment information for the paper invoice. The fourth informs that the account can be credited in advance (not displayed for the 4th reminder):
After all the formulas of this section have been entered, the following result appears in the two control tables of this section (for the 1st and 5th records of the sample Excel file [xls]):
Settlement, textXr, wire and precredit:
This table summarizes the balance and payment history of the customer. For the normal paper invoice (reminder=0), we create a table which displays details of the monthly usage. For the reminders, one row appears for each unsettled invoice. The reminder table is a regular Word table having the form:
Issue date of invoice |
Balance |
Payments of the month following the invoice | |
Due date ( |
The last line always contains the data of the last issued invoice. Reminders apply only on previous unpaid invoices and do not apply on the last invoice which is not due yet. The number of lines of the table (number of unpaid invoices) depends on the reminder level. The table with the corresponding number of rows is defined as a function of the reminder level. The table is stored in the invoices variable. IF statements are used to assign to the variable invoices a properly sited table:
Remark: We were unable to build in MS Word a dynamically-sized table.
After definition of the invoices table, the control table of this section shows the following output (for the 1st and 5th records of the sample Excel file [xls]):
For reminder levels 3 and 4, a warning text is displayed with the logo of the collection agency that will be mandated to collect the missing amounts in case of non payment. The text and image are stored in the variable warning:
The following result must appear in the control table of this section for the 3rd record of the sample Excel file. The table must be empty for records 1 and 2:
This text appears in the warning table of the main output document (see Text body).
In this section, we present the final layout of the first page of the template. Since all formulas and text portions have already been defined, this page will only regroup all the information to compose the printed letter.
This subsection presents the page formatting of our template. The first page of the final document will be printed, folded, and inserted into envelopes with address window. The contents of the first page will be entered after formatting is complete.
We set the paper size to A4 (default is Letter), with all margins at 1cm of page edges:
This table represents the top portion of the page, containing the company logo and contact information. This part is already printed on the paper, here we only set the table for reserving the space. It is a simple table, with one row and two columns. We start by adding the table in the document, and then position it at 0.5cm from page top and page left (right click on the table, then Table Properties):
Row height: 2.5cm, first column width: 10cm, second column width: 10.5cm:
The table must not be visible, so we remove the borders:
The result is as follows:
The first row of this table will contain the reference numbers of the reminder/invoice. The second row will contain an optional warning displayed for customers reaching the 3rd and 4th reminder levels. This table is created in the same way as the header table.
Position: 0.82cm horizontal, 3.5cm vertical
Dimensions: 9.68cm width, 1cm and 3.2cm for the rows heights:
This table is placed so to be visible in the address window of a B5 envelope. The first column will contain the “P.P.” symbol, the company zip code and city for postal sending (vertical text). The second column will contain the customer address. This table is created in the same way as the header table.
Position: 11.2cm horizontal, 5cm vertical
Dimensions: 3.7cm height, 2cm and 6.5cm for the columns widths:
The bottom of the page contains the red payment slip printed on the reminder letters. Its creation is described here:
For this template, some additional information is printed on the slip:
Customer’s phone number |
merge field sip |
Customer’s address |
several merge fields |
Reminder summary |
several merge fields and variables |
Amount due |
merge field bvchf |
All this information is available as Excel merge fields, or was calculated with the formulas presented in the previous sections. Variables are only displayed on the payment slip without any additional computation. The customer’s address in inserted in the right and left parts of the payment slip. As it doesn’t require precise positioning, vertical alignment of these address fields is simply done with line feeds.
Remark: The amount printed on the payment slip (merge field bvchf) is already formatted in the Excel file using the following formula:
Cell S2 containing the amount to pay as a float number, the formula returns it rounded at 0.05 Frs, formatted as a string with a space instead of a decimal separator. This value can be directly printed on the payment slip, using a fixed width font as courier, since it is formatted for use with a monospace font. Before printing, the vertical position of the amount to pay has to be adjusted manually, because the preprinted payment slips are not 100% accurate. Select the amount text, right-click and choose Paragraph…. For example, if you need to push the text down from 1mm:
Now that all is set up, we can fill the contents of the printed page of the template. It contains references to the variables presented in previous sections, and constant text that does not depend on the reminder level or invoice. All possible outputs are now generated by a small number of IF statements:
A page break is inserted after greetings line (“L’équipe Switzernet”) to keep the body text and the formulas located on the following pages of the document separated.
The following reference table shows all merge fields and variables defined in the template document with SET formulas. They appear in the table in the same order as they are defined.
Table 1 Variables
Name |
Type |
Description |
Comments and corresponding section |
send |
Merge field |
Indicates if the reminder must be sent or not |
Data which is read from the input Excel file
sip |
Merge field |
Customer phone number (02x-550-xxxx) |
reminder |
Merge field |
Reminder level (1 to 4) |
blocked |
Merge field |
Indicates if the customer phone line is blocked (Y/N) |
bvchf |
Merge field |
Due amount of the last invoice, for printing on the payment slip |
company |
Merge field |
Company name of the customer |
firstname |
Merge field |
Firstname of the customer |
lastname |
Merge field |
Lastname of the customer |
address1 |
Merge field |
Address of the customer (first line) |
address2 |
Merge field |
Address of the customer (second line) |
zip |
Merge field |
ZIP code of the customer |
city |
Merge field |
City of the customer |
date |
Merge field |
Date of the reminders generation (mm/dd/yyyy format) |
subscriptions |
Merge field |
Customer’s subscription fees of the last month (paper invoice only) |
calls |
Merge field |
Customer’s call charges of the last month (paper invoice only) |
manual_charges |
Merge field |
Customer’s manual charges of the last month (paper invoice only) |
today |
Formula |
Stores the date merge field for further calculations |
Convert the date read from Excel to variables |
year |
Formula |
Year of the reminder generation |
month |
Formula |
Month of the reminders generation |
day |
Formula |
Day of the reminders generation |
issueold0m |
Formula |
Issue date of the last invoice |
Generate the required dates for display |
issueold1m |
Formula |
Issue date of the 1 month old invoice |
issueold2m |
Formula |
Issue date of the 2 month old invoice |
issueold3m |
Formula |
Issue date of the 3 month old invoice |
issueold4m |
Formula |
Issue date of the 4 month old invoice |
dueold0m |
Formula |
Due date of the last invoice |
dueold1m |
Formula |
Due date of the 1 month old invoice |
reminderid |
Formula |
Reminder reference number (date-sip-reminder) |
Generate a unique reminder ID |
lastpaid |
Formula |
Date of the last invoice paid in full |
Calculate the billing period concerned by the reminder/invoice |
yestyear |
Formula |
Temporary variable for date calculation |
yestleap |
Formula |
Temporary variable for date calculation |
yestmonth |
Formula |
Temporary variable for date calculation |
yestday |
Formula |
Temporary variable for date calculation |
yesterday |
Formula |
Date of the last day of previous month |
period |
Formula |
Billing period concerned by the reminder |
rules1r |
Formula |
Rules for the 1st reminder |
Texts defining the conditions of each reminder level |
rules2r |
Formula |
Rules for the 2ndreminder |
rules3r |
Formula |
Rules for the 3rd reminder |
rules4r |
Formula |
Rules for the 4th reminder |
rules5r |
Formula |
Rules for non payment after the 4th reminder |
text1r |
Formula |
Text of the 1st reminder |
Define the general structure of the reminders text |
text2r |
Formula |
Text of the 2nd reminder |
text3r |
Formula |
Text of the 3rd reminder |
text4r |
Formula |
Text of the 4th reminder |
reference |
Formula |
Reminder/invoice reference information |
Reminder/invoice reference numbers |
intro |
Formula |
Introduction text displayed on reminders |
General texts accompanying the invoice/reminder |
settlement |
Formula |
Text accompanying the payments table |
wire |
Formula |
Text informing of wire payment facilities |
precredit |
Formula |
Text informing of possible precredit of the account, web interface, etc. |
invoices |
Formula |
Table summarizing the concerned invoices and payments |
Table summarizing the invoices concerned by the reminder/invoice |
warning |
Formula |
Warning displayed before sending the customer to collection (text + image) |
Warning text and logo for customers who will be transferred to collection |
As presented in SET formulas and bookmarks, all the variables we set define a corresponding bookmark in the document. Once all formulas have been entered, we obtain the following bookmarks. We also see that no other bookmark is present.
today |
year |
month |
day |
issueold0m |
issueold1m |
issueold2m |
issueold3m |
issueold4m |
dueold0m |
dueold1m |
reminderid |
lastpaid |
yestyear |
yestleap |
yestmonth |
yestday |
yesterday |
period |
rules1r |
rules2r |
rules3r |
rules4r |
rules5r |
text1r |
text2r |
text3r |
text4r |
reference |
intro |
settlement |
wire |
precredit |
invoices |
warning |
This section describes all the styles present in the reminders template with a short description on where they are used.
This section describes some formatting problems that appeared during the redaction of the template. It also proposes solutions to solve them.
When setting text format to the defined smallcaps style, formatting of superscript characters is lost. For example, “1st reminder” becomes “1st reminder”. To obtain the correct display, we must manually apply superscript format to the selection (in Format -> Font) to obtain the correct display “1st reminder”. This problem does not appear when using small caps without defining a style.
A table style with special font formatting is not displayed correctly if the inside content is a merge field using a formatting option. For example, we set a table with default formatting. We insert merge fields in the table cells, once with formatting (here \# "0.00" for 2 digits rounding) and once without:
Then we define a table style (rightmost table column set to bold) and apply it to the table. Formatting is applied correctly:
But after an update of the fields, formatting is lost for the formatted merge field:
To correct the problem, we can manually unset the bold format on the merge field:
Some problems appeared with the borders around the reminder texts. Depending on how the text was built in the textXr variables, borders appeared merged or with a missing heading line. This was because the border was around an IF statement. To solve this, texts are split into paragraphs using line feeds, and the borders do not contain the IF:
This solution solves the borders problem, but an issue remains. The additional line feed in the first clause of the IF statement appears in the output document, resulting in a blank line. The solution was to change the font size of the corresponding line feed (marked with a red arrow) to a very small size. [mirror]
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