CTI project
This project would be achieved in collaboration with the
ALGO laboratory in EPFL.
Short description of some of the project steps:
- installation of a test SIP VOIP infrastructure in the
premises of EPFL
- testing WiFi SIP phones in the WiFi network of EPFL
(especially handover functions between base stations and the impact on
the voice quality)
- development and implementation of voice quality
perception measurement methods (ref www.PESQ.org)
- billing and quality monitoring issues
- development of a SIP phone
- software design
- hardware design
- SIP VOIP infrastructure installed in the premises of EPFL
as a test-bed
- multi-path routing extension of streaming between UA and
SIP server (multi-base station WiFi network of EPFL)
- injection of redundant packets with multi-path streaming
at source node
- injection of redundant packets at intermediary nodes
(network coding)
- development of a Least Cost Routing
- integration of the LCR routing tables with testbed SIP
and Billing Servers
- cost evaluation of retail offers of operators of a given
market (e.g. Swiss retail phone operators)
- consideration of call setup fees, call duration rounding,
cost rounding, post call surcharges, etc in the cost evaluation
- consideration of Average Call Duration for each specific
destination (about 800) in the cost evaluation
- consideration of call duration distribution per each
Marriage of the above listed three points via the testbed
infrastructure, and integration of all projects into a single operating
academic/industrial network
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