Linksys SPA1001
CHF 14.00
instead of CHF 29
Description :
This adapter allows to use the traditional analog phone on IP telephone network (or VOIP for Voice over IP). After connecting the SPA1001 to the ADSL modem via the cable Ethernet/RJ45, you can make and receive calls even if the computer is turned off.
Access to contractual discount rates: see the rates.
Swiss fixnet line number
No roaming: the rates are the same if you use your Switzernet account abroad.
Free destinations (Switzerland included):
Free mobile destinations for private customers: USA, Canada, Chine, Hong Kong, Singapore.
Monthly fee: 9 CHF
The invoice is sent on every 1st day of the month, payment reception deadline is 25 days
Subscription is
available only for Swiss residents; for foreign residents please open a prepaid account.
Connection Schema:
You can use the device while the computer is turned off.
If you have multiple Ethernet ports on your router
Document under the following link gives different instructions for configuring your device Linksys SPA1001:
More configurations :
If you have multiple Ethernet ports on your router
If you have one Ethernet port on your router
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