Using IMAP shared account for submitting and tracking tasks



Here we are in an IMAP account created for submitting and tracking the tasks assigned to us. The following sections describe the rules and indications to be respected for increasing the success of this attempt of project management and task tracking via IMAP.

IMAP account

Create the IMAP account by correctly specifying your name in the Display Name field. Make sure to always use exactly the same text in format "First-name Last-name", and never make changes (even insignificant). If you provided special characters, such as "é" or "ï", you must make sure that you always have them exactly as you specified first time. Your display name will be used in search folders, and even one more space will affect the search.


This account (projects@) contains an IMAP folder "To Do". This folder contains all pending projects (i.e. a name grouping together several related tasks) in form of sub-folders. The project folder name begins with a date "yymmdd", it must be short, and unambiguous.


Each folder in "To Do" contains tasks. Tasks are emails. They must contain explicit and nicely formulated subject. The "To:" or "Cc:" fields of these emails must be the true email addresses of persons to whom the task is assigned (e.g. In order to create a task, you can compose the email, save it (instead of sending), and then drag the saved email from the "Draft" IMAP folder to the corresponding project folder. Alternatively you can send the task to the person (from your usual account or from projects@) then drag the copy of that email (from your "Sent" folder or from your "Inbox") to the folder of project in "To Do".

Each email is a task and only task

The project in "To Do" can contain only tasks. The number of emails in "To Do" must correspond exactly to the tasks to do. The text of the email must be formulated in the imperative form. The text cannot have a form of a discussion, chat, or a notification. It must look as a clear instruction to do a task in an imperative form. The style must be the same for tasks created for yourself or for your colleagues. For short tasks everything can be put in the subject, but the body must be a copy of the subject with a few more precisions. For long tasks, the subject must be as complete and compact as possible. The main "yymmdd" folder of the project cannot contain any other email, apart the tasks. The number of emails in the folder must correspond exactly to the number of tasks. There cannot be discussions or informative emails in this folder.

Folder "etc" for updates and more info

For discussions, accompanying pieces, updates, notifications, announces, helps, progress updates, informations, chats, and other related emails you can create a sub-folder "etc". In this sub-folder you can keep all emails containing useful info or updates on the project. Emails of the "etc" are counted nor as pending neither as completed tasks. Projects not needing parallel discussions shall not have a "etc" folder. You can have a copy of one or all tasks in the "etc" folder and discuss each task individually. Thread view is obligatory. As soon as a new task is formulated (and expressed in the language of task in a imperative form) it must be copied to the main "yymmdd" folder of the project.

Accomplished tasks

Tasks which are done must be replied with a proof of accomplishment (usually a link, attachment, or description). You can click on reply, type your text, save the email in the "Draft" folder (close the composition window), and move the email from the "Draft" folder into the folder of project. With a thread view, your reply will be linked withe the original task. Move both, the original task with your reply to the done folder. The done folder is a sub-folder in your project, which has the same name of your project but without the date (yymmdd) prefix. If such folder does not exist yet, you shall create one. By moving the tasks, you decrease the number of pending tasks (in the main folder) and you increase the number of completed tasks (by two emails, the task itself + reply with the accomplishment proof).

The number of emails in the done folder (e.g. "blog spa1001" is the done folder for "090811 blog spa1001" project), must be always the double of the accomplished tasks, because you have the task itself and the proof of its accomplishment sent by the person who completed the task (in reply to the task's message).

"To Do" and "Work" Tags

The tasks in the project folder must all have a tag "To Do", corresponding in Thunderbird to the blue color and key 4. All tasks in done folder of the project must have a tag "Work" (interpreted as a work to be account as done), corresponding in Thunderbird to the orange color and key 2. Other messages in "etc" cannot have any color (0 key to clear all tags) and they cannot be accounted with searches.

Searching pending tasks

For instance all pending tasks of Alain across all projects can be found easily by making a simple search on the "To Do" folder. You must check "Search sub-folders", and provide two criteria, "To or cc" contains "Alain" and "Tags" contains "To Do". You must check also "Match all of the following" to specify that you are interested in all pending tasks of Alain (and not either all pending tasks or tasks to Alain). The location column shows the project, the task assigned to Alain belongs to. The search panel below shows that Alain has 8 pending tasks.

Similarly to search all tasks accomplished by Kerim, you must specify "From" contains "Kerim" and "Tags" contains "Work".

Completed projects

When project is completed, i.e. the main folder is empty, it shall be dragged to the "Complete" IMAP folder.


The attachment contains the images used in this document.




On-line statistics of answered emails of support@ and billing@ accounts of Switzernet

Script for on-line statistics of answered emails of support@ and billing@ accounts of Switzernet


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