Postfinance XML format changes - seizing incoming payments into a DOC file
Updated on 2009-11-05 22:26 by Emin Gabrielyan
Created on 2009-11-05 13:25 by Emin Gabrielyan
Our open source tool for retrieving incoming payments from XML files of Postfinance was temporarily nonfunctional following the recent changes of XML format by Postfinance. The upgraded version of the script is now available. As usual you need to follow the script’s package link [] in one of the following mirror manuals.
On 2009-10-12 Postfinance made changes in its XML format making our script inapplicable to new XML documents. The format changes of postfinance are identified and documented [091105 ii]. The new version of the tool is compatible both with old and new types of XML documents.
Due to high number of search queries received on our web for this particular script, we estimate that many persons rely on this tool. The link to our tool appears on the top of Google search when looking for changes in xml format of Postfinance. The upgraded conversion tool is successfully tested on numerous XML files. Users can now download and use the new version of the tool.
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