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Abstract and PDF,
On 2009-11-26 20:50, Task-By Emin Gabrielyan wrote:
the full description is ready and complete on the web
upload on all our public mirrors:,,
You shall then put everything linearly (sequentially) in a PDF file A4
format Times New Roman 10pt - with chapters, sections, title, authors.
the document must start with an abstract, then comes introduction, then
all sections, then conclusions, then references
the PDF file must be published in
authors in the following order: Oussama - Christian - Emin
you must do this when an impeccable version is already ready on the web
do not think about this paper version while you do the web version
web version is more flexible will allow you to click on diagrams and
many other flexibilities in terms of structure
The sequentializing into a single paper PDF version shall start when
there will be nothing more to add in web version
This task is in [11,24 acd routing]
The previous project [routing by ACD 9,23] must be closed as
soon as its tasks are complete
Oussama - Do not disperse on anything else - focus entirely on
documentation and finalization of the current version of the ACD
The project will be completely finished with the publication in