Call for papers - invites you to make a short study of the VOIP service and technology offered by Switzernet. Your article should aim at the technology, quality and market study (e.g. comparison of prices). Your article must be well formulated. It will be published in your personal website or blog and on the web site of Switzernet. You can be a student of EPFL, a customer, or an expert or consultant. The languages of the article in order of preference: French, German, and English. For articles to be written in scope of a semester, master, or PhD project, or in collaboration with an EPFL lab, Switzernet provides additional data and/or materials.
The information and data used in your article (such as prices of other providers) must be supplied with references (including existing web links). You must show that your analysis and results are verified. Your conclusions should be objective.
If needed, Switzernet will provide you one Internet phone and a VOIP account for testing. Your article must be well structured. You can choose as a departure point one (or more) of the following ideas, but you are not limited by these ideas only:
- comparison of prices with other operators for selected destinations
o you can select a group of international and/or national destinations
you can select a group of
providers: VOIP, traditional telephony (such as Swisscom,
o references are required (provide links and save the web documents locally; note the download date); your main page must link to locally saved documents and the documents on the web
- comparison of billing schemes with other providers and operators
o call setup fee
o rounding of call duration, etc
o the impact of the rounding on the price (statistical computation on a number of calls)
- call setup quality tests
o ASR: answer seizure ratio (for example you can make 20 calls to a given destination and report the number of connections and the number of failed attempts)
o PDD: post dial delay (the average time in seconds from the moment you dialled the last digit and pressed the send button until the moment the target phone starts ringing)
o Make measurements and provide comparisons with classical telephone lines
o The parameters strongly depend on the type of the destination (mobiles or landlines will exhibit different parameters)
- Voice quality tests
o Voice quality tests are difficult to do (they can be very sophisticated or quite simple; e.g. automatic comparison of source and received audio samples are complex and can be carried in collaborations with EPFL labs)
o You can relay on personal perception of several persons, you can send a voice record and publish in your web article the source audio file and the received file (provide for comparison the results of the same experiment carried out via a traditional phone line)
o You can try send faxes (source fax image, destination fax image, with a traditional line, and with a VOIP line)
o Voice quality tests depend strongly on the type of codecs (which you can change on your phone). Faxes are possible only via G.711 (you can measure transmission durations)
The article must be in web format. It is recommended to provide also the printable PDF format and the source file of your article (e.g. in MS Word format). Your article must start with author info, an abstract and introduction and must finish with conclusions. The minimal length of the article is 2 pages. Your web document must contain links to all local files (i.e. source docs, voice records, fax scans, tariff files). You must submit a zip file containing the full hierarchy of your web document.
Switzernet will offer you a SIP phone or SIP adapter (including an account with a free subscription of 6 months) per accepted and published article. The same author can submit several articles but the formulations must be professional, the studies should not overlap entirely (but can be developments and continuations of previous publications). You must prove that the conclusions are objective and all statements are verified. Your comparison should present the positive and negative sides of your study and measurements.
Contact and submissions at:
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