How to create a bookmark into a document







Introduction  - 1 -

Bookmark steps  - 1 -



Bookmarks are internal references used for creating links within the same document. This document is a tutorial that shows the different steps to create a bookmar.


Bookmark steps


1)    Launch MS word application




2)    Specify the title of your paragraph and write down the text.



3)    Ensure that the style of the title is “Title 1” or “Title 2” and the body of the paragraph is having “Normal” style.





4)    Add the paragraph bookmark name between brackets. The naming policy is to use one or two english words separated by an under score. Do not use upper case letters.



5)    Starting to create the bookmark by highlighting the text between brackets.



6)    Select from the menu bar “Insert” then “Bookmark…”.  A dialog window is opened in which you specify the bookmark name as the one written between brackets finally you confirm by clicking add.



7)    To create the link, type the link text and highlight it.

8)    Select from the menu bar “Insert” then “Hyperlink”. A dialog window is opened in which you select bookmark.



9)    Choose from the bookmarks list the one corresponding to your paragraph.



10)   Confirm the selected bookmark by clicking OK twice.

11)   Your link term will be transformed into blue characters: press ctrl+click upon this link to check if you reach your paragraph.





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