Postfinance XML format changes – seizing incoming payments into a DOC file


Created on 2009-11-05 13:25 by Emin Gabrielyan



Numerous businesses rely on our open source tool for retrieving incoming payments from XML files of postfinance account interface.


On 2009-10-12 postfinance made changes in its XML format. Since this date, the retrieval is impossible with our tool due to incompatibility caused by the new changes. The new format changes of postfinance are presently identified, and a new version of the script must be released very soon.


Due to numerous requests received from different businesses and a very high number of search queries received on our web, it should be concluded that the number of accountants relying on this product is apparently much higher than we expected.


The link to our tool appears on the top of Google search when looking for a changed xml format of postfinance.


… And the word “postfinance” became the 9th most popular keyword associated to our web.


The upgrade of the conversion tool is presently of the top priority. The seizure of incoming flow of payments of our own customers is not affected due to a backup seizure mechanism temporarily used for our own seizures.


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