Retrieving the rates to Swiss mobiles from




1.   Copy and paste 6 rate tables from into an MS word document

Set Durée: 1 minute 31 secondes

Du VoIP >> Suisse, Réseau mobile de Swisscom

Du VoIP  >>  Suisse, Réseau mobile de Orange

Du VoIP  >>  Suisse, Réseau mobile de Sunrise

Du Réseau fixe  >>  Suisse, Réseau mobile de Swisscom (extended view)

Du Réseau fixe  >>  Suisse, Réseau mobile de Orange (extended view)

Du Réseau fixe  >>  Suisse, Réseau mobile de Sunrise (extended view)



2.   Disable spacing between cells

For all tables:

Table properties options: Disable spacing between cells

Table properties row height: 0.4cm



3.   Clear formatting

Select all and clear formatting



4.   Remove all intermediary rows



5.   Remove all empty columns



6.   Keep only the normal peak-rates, remove all other rates

Center the rates in the column of prices, remove all off-peak rates, and keep only the normal peak rates



7.   Merge multiple rate cells into single cells

For all operators with multiple empty cells (remaining from off-peak rates), select all cells of rates and merge them into one cell



8.   Remove the new line signs

Remove return signs from all operator/subscription names and replace these signs with a semicolon followed by a space "; ". Make sure that there are no other symbols (e.g. a space symbol). The name of an operator/subscription must be exactly the same in all different tables for further proper matching in Excel.



9.   No preferred widths in tables

Remove the preferred width for table, column, and cells from all table settings



10.         Transfer the tables into an Excel file

Copy all 6 tables into an Excel file



11.         Create VLOOKUP tables

Create 6 tables in the Excel file







Format the rates to show 2 digits after the decimal point

Format the numerical operator/subscription name to be in text format

Rename the source sheet containing the tables to

Retrieve all data from all 6 tables into one table



12.         Create the chart

Sort the operators in the descending order

Create the chart and format it



13.         References:

More details on processing of data retrieved from [ch1], [ch2]

Comparison of rates to Swiss mobiles operators Orange, Sunrise, and Swisscom [ch1], [ch2] (2008)

Interconnections in India [ch1], [ch2]

Détails de comparaison pour le prix d'appels vers le Cameroun: [ch1] [ch2]

Détails de comparaison pour le prix d'appels vers le Maroc : [ch1] [ch2]

Détails de comparaison pour le prix d'appels vers l'Inde [ch1] [ch2]


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